Monday, December 10, 2007


So many things have happened in my life in the past 6 months, I can't even begin to explain.
So I won't. Explanations are not needed here; they can go on and on and tend to be very boring for the listener. I will say, though, that for all the stress my life has brought me, I've lost about 15 lbs. without even trying! That's part of the good news.

The bad news is, I chose to give up ALL my dogs - sold some, had one put to sleep and gave the rest away. This was not an easy decision, believe me! (hence the stress) The one I had put down was 14 yrs old and had major stomach problems: it was time. I'd had him since he was a puppy when I found him wandering the streets of Whiteland. He had a very good life with me, as did all my dogs.

More good news: After three months with no dogs - I've got 3 of my dogs back and may get one more back, eventually. I'm fine with this decision. I read once that a person who "hoards" animals was mentally unstable and that kind of scared me. Me, mentally unstable? Although, no one has ever said that to me, I began to think that maybe people did see me that way. Personally, I don't think I was hoarding dogs but I was living my life just to serve my dogs. It seemed like all I did was buy dog food and pay vet bills and clean up after them all. (In the past 15 months at any given time, I've had anywhere from 9 to 13 dogs.)
Overwhelmed? Yes. Crazy? I don't think so.
I just love animals and wish I could give all the homeless ones, a home.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

Being a former Dogcatcher,
I certainly have a different perspective than most on animal control. During my tenure in that job I learned I frequently like Dogs and Cats a whole lot more than I like their owners.

I hope your situation is under control... it sounds as if all your animals are in good homes... fed, loved, properly cared for. That should give you great comfort.

Still, it had to be hard to let 'em go.
Hug those that are within reach!